Source code for minds.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pprint import pprint

from requests.utils import dict_from_cookiejar, cookiejar_from_dict

from minds.connections import XSRFSession
from minds.exceptions import AuthenticationError
from minds.profile import Profile
from minds.utils import add_url_kwargs
from minds.endpoints import *
from minds.sections import NewsfeedAPI, ChannelAPI, NotificationsAPI, PostingAPI, InteractAPI

[docs]class Minds(NewsfeedAPI, ChannelAPI, NotificationsAPI, PostingAPI, InteractAPI): _xsrf_retries = 5 def __init__(self, profile: Profile = None, login=True): self.con = XSRFSession() self.profile = profile if self.profile: if profile.cookie: self.con.cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(profile.cookie) if profile.proxy: self.con.proxies = {'https': profile.proxy, 'http': profile.proxy} self._establish_xsrf() if self.profile and login and not self.is_authenticated: if profile.username and profile.password: self.authenticate(profile.username, profile.password) def _test_proxy(self): data = self.con.get('').json() print(data) def _directory(self, base, offset=None, limit=12) -> dict: """Base for paginated directory endpoints""" url = add_url_kwargs(base, offest=offset, limit=limit) resp = self.con.get(url) return resp.json()
[docs] @staticmethod def is_guid(guid: str) -> bool: """Check whether text is minds 18digit long GUID""" if guid.isdigit() and len(guid) == 18: return True return False
def _establish_xsrf(self): """ Minds required XSRF-TOKEN cookie to be present as header for whatever reason Go to log in page to get the cookie and save it """ # todo figure out why sometimes login page doesn't return xsrf token cookies # maybe submitting loggedin=0 cookie will force it to do that if 'XSRF-TOKEN' in self.con.cookies: return retries = 0 while retries < self._xsrf_retries: resp = self.con.get('') if 'XSRF-TOKEN' in resp.cookies: break retries += 1 else: raise AuthenticationError("could not establish minds connection: can't find xsrf-token")
[docs] def register(self, email) -> dict: """register user using self.profile credentials Try to register a profile using credentials ``self.profile.username`` and ``self.profile.password``. The profile will be saved locally if possible. :param email: email is required for registration however it's not used anywhere by """ data = { "username": self.profile.username, "email": email, "password": self.profile.password, "password2": self.profile.password, "captcha": "" } resp =, json=data) resp_data = resp.json() if resp_data['status'] == 'success': return resp_data
[docs] def get_cookies(self) -> dict: """get current connection cookies """ whitelist = ['XSRF-TOKEN', 'loggedin', 'minds'] cookies = dict_from_cookiejar(self.con.cookies) return {k: v for k, v in cookies.items() if k in whitelist}
[docs] def authenticate(self, username, password, save_profile=True) -> dict: """ Authenticate current instance with given user :param: save_profile: whether to save profile locally """ auth = { 'username': username, 'password': password } resp =, json=auth) self.user = resp.json() if self.user['status'] == 'failed': raise AuthenticationError("Couldn't log in with the given credentials") self.guid = self.user['user']['guid'] if save_profile: Profile( username=username, password=password, cookie=self.get_cookies(), proxy=self.con.proxies.get('https'), ).save() return resp.json()
@property def is_authenticated(self) -> bool: """Return whether current instance is authenticated""" return bool(int(self.con.cookies.get('loggedin', '0')))
[docs] def comments(self, guid, offset=None, limit=12) -> dict: """Return comments of GUID post :param guid: 18digit guid """ return self._directory(COMMENT_URLF(guid), offset, limit)
[docs] def get_guid(self, clue: str) -> str: """get GUID from a clue :param clue: either url, channel id or guid (will return itself after checking) :return: guid """ if '' in clue: channel_name = clue.strip('/').split('/')[-1] else: channel_name = clue if self.is_guid(channel_name): return channel_name data = self.con.get(CHANNEL_URLF(channel_name)).json() return data['channel']['guid']