
Without Authentication

To use minds-api in a project without authenticating:

form minds import Minds

# create Minds api object
minds_api = Minds()

For example to retrieve top newsfeed:

results = minds_api.newsfeed_top()
# {"status": "success", "activity": [], ...}

If for some reason api requests fails it will return:

{"status": "error", "message": "some error message"}

With Authentication

To authenticate you need to pass Profile configuration to Minds object when initiating:

from minds import Minds, Profile

minds = Minds(Profile('username','password'))

Profile will save profile data in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME directory (usually ~/.config) minds subdirectory under username filename if authentication is successful.

i.e. username foobar will be stored in ~/.config/minds/foobar


user credentials will be stored in plain text file in config directory


There’s also proxy support. To use a profile via proxy a valid proxy string must be passed to proxy keyword argument:

minds = Minds(Profile('username', 'password', proxy='')


proxy credentials will be stored in plain text file in config directory


If authenticated Minds api will try to optimize requests by storing cookies in user profile file. This reduces requests amount needed for pretty much every action.


If there’s trouble authenticating cookie corruption might occur, deleting profile will fix the issue